For Lawyers

For Lawyers is a place for empowering individual and the public and for demystifying the profession so that people are educated about their rights and responsibilities. does so transparently and carefully.  Results for searches for lawyers and service providers on are rendered based on keywords and the quality of the search; we do not use algorithms to prioritize a listing over another.

However, to support this resource, we may categorize a listing and “Featured” or “Sponsor’s” listing. These listings are clearly market.

The best way for lawyers and law firms to be discovered on site is to help the community learn and understand the law.
Lawyers and law firms’ representatives are encouraged to answer questions, and when doing so, they may add information about their practice and expertise.

Because visitors to are from all over the world, there is always room and need for “localized” information. That is information from specific jurisdictions and specific areas of legal practice and expertise. Lawyers and law firms can best connect with the communities they serve this way while providing a public service.

In addition to adding a listing, answering questions is the best way for lawyers and legal experts to promote their business and reach out to those in need for help. Your community engagement in the best way to connect with them.





Written by Intern


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